Reclaim Your Life from Sex Addiction and Betrayal Trauma
Hope & Freedom University Helps People Heal & Recover with Proven Methods and Expert Guidance
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Reclaim Your Life

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Finding Freedom Starts Here
Choose the path to healing that best resonates with your situation, or schedule a discovery call to understand which option is right for you.Â

The Couples Recovery Kit — Virtual Course*
Are you and your partner struggling with problematic sexual behaviors, feeling trapped in a cycle of despair, and longing for a life marked by trust, healing, and genuine connection? The pain you're experiencing may seem insurmountable, but there's a path to recovery and lasting happiness.
The Couples Recovery Kit is your lifeline to hope, freedom, and a love that can flourish once again. Invest in your relationship's well-being today and begin your transformative journey.
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I Can Stop: 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction — Virtual Course*
Are you ready to reclaim your life from the grips of addiction? In the I Can Stop: The 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction course, we provide you with the essential tools, guidance, and support to embark on a transformative journey toward lasting recovery.
Take charge of your life, prioritize your well-being and family, and break free from the grip of unhealthy sexual behaviors. Begin your journey of lasting recovery today.
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I Must Heal: Healing from Your Partner’s Sex Addiction — Virtual Course*
Are you exhausted from concealing your inner turmoil behind a facade of strength? Do you yearn for genuine change? It's time to harness the power of healing and embark on a transformational journey toward a future filled with trust, intimacy, and profound connections.
I Must Heal gives you the tools and power to heal, whether your partner is ready for change or not. Prioritize your well-being and equip yourself with the resilience needed to navigate the pain of betrayal.
Learn MoreWhat Others Have to Say About Hope & Freedom University:
Our 4-step Process
Start Healing With Us
Discover Your Path to Healing
Choose a course for your healing as an individual or as a couple.
Experience Transformation
Dedicate time each day to invest in your personal recovery.
Thrive in Lasting Restoration
Experience significant positive shifts in your life and relationships.Â
Resources to Get You Started on Your Recovery & Healing Journey

Stop Sex Addiction by
Dr. Milton Magness
In the midst of crisis, there’s an opportunity for transformation. Stop Sex Addiction by Dr. Milton Magness extends a lifeline of hope and freedom to those dealing with problematic sexual behavior. Through diligent effort and a robust recovery program, it is possible to break free from destructive behaviors, mend relationships, and embark on a rewarding journey of recovery.Â
Stop Sex Addiction is your guide to finding a way out of the darkest tunnel, offering a glimmer of hope and the promise of true freedom from the clutches of addiction.

Real Hope, True Freedom by Dr. Milton Magness & Marsha Means
Sex addiction is a daunting challenge, impacting not only the person struggling but also their loved ones. Real Hope, True Freedom — co-authored by Dr. Milton Magness and renowned partner expert Marsha Means — is a beacon of guidance along this difficult journey. Filled with in-depth information, compassion, and over 160 answers to pressing questions on sex addiction, this essential guide offers solace and actionable insights.
Dive into Real Hope, True Freedom to uncover profound insights and compassionate wisdom.
Welcome to Hope and Freedom University — let me tell you how we began…
In late 2012, a deeply discouraged couple came into my office after being told by a different therapist they should walk away and divorce because their marriage was likely irreparable. At the time, they didn't even know the term sex addiction. Candidly, it was a relatively new term for me as well.Â
That led me to find Dr. Milton Magness and his practice, Hope and Freedom Counseling Services in Houston, TX. We quickly inquired about the 3-Day Intensive option with a long-term program approach. I offered to walk alongside them and support them in their journey if they were open to making a commitment to the program.
Treating this couple became a defining moment in my practice. In fact, it spawned the treatment of hundreds more in my office and the desire to devote my practice to helping couples like them.Â
Through my practice, I go with couples and individuals into the darkest places, find a source of hope and light, and guide people on their journey to healing and wholeness. I’ve dedicated my career to bringing restoration to couples ravaged by the effects of sexual addiction and training clinicians to do the same — so we can reach as many as possible!
As soon as I found Hope & Freedom and Milton Magness, I knew this treatment model was different and something that offered real hope and true freedom to couples whose relationships were at risk of complete devastation.Â
Over the years, I have used this treatment model and have seen hundreds of couples not just salvage their relationship but, in many cases, heal, find restoration, and develop a closeness they weren’t sure was possible.Â
You deserve hope and freedom, too — because it’ll bring healing and restoration for you. Perhaps one day, you too will be able to share it with others and experience the gift of introducing it to those in need the way I have.

Tina Wehner
President & Executive Director
Hope & Freedom Counseling Services
Check Out Our Other Resources

What is Sex Addiction?
Uncover the truth about sex addiction, from its various names to its prevalence in society.
Wondering how to know if you have a problem? Ask yourself these questions:
- Do you struggle when trying to stop and find you can't? Not sure? Try to stop for seven days and see how hard it is.Â
- Do you hurt people you love with your behavior but keep doing it anyway? Has anyone you loved ever expressed concern?Â
- Do you hide your behaviors because if others knew, you would feel bad?

Certified Hope & Freedom Practitioners
Discover a network of outstanding, highly skilled therapists with extensive training in sexual addiction treatment. They’ve completed the extended training in our CHFP program, scored at a superior level in the comprehensive exam, and participated in many 3-day intensives, spending a significant number of additional hours in one-on-one training personally with Dr. Magness, Hope & Freedom Founder, and Tina Wehner, Hope & Freedom President.
Whether you're seeking therapy in California, Charlotte, Dallas, Nashville, Orlando, or beyond — our experts offer a comprehensive approach to your care.
Ready to Begin Healing?
Choose the program that’s right for you.Â
*Disclaimer: These programs are not a replacement for the necessary mental health work with a professional. They are best used in preparation for or in conjunction with one of our recovery-based intensives with a Certified Hope & Freedom Practitioner. To learn more about our recovery-based intensives, click here.