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Are you tired of being trapped by your addiction
— watching your life and relationships crumble?

Learn the Exact Steps to STOP Sex & Porn Addiction in 30 Days, 100% From Home

Put everything that really matters, first. Discover I Can Stop: The 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction. This virtual course can help you create a future filled with hope and freedom — hope on the first day of your journey and freedom as you continue recovery day-by-day throughout your lifetime.
Start Your Journey Toward Freedom Today

Do you wake up each day yearning for a fresh start — desperate to save your marriage, your family, and everything that truly matters to you? 

The pain and despair can be overwhelming, leaving you longing for a way out.

The constant battle with compulsive and destructive behaviors probably leaves you feeling helpless and hopeless. And it doesn’t just impact your well-being — but also the trust and intimacy within your relationship. 

It's time to break free from this cycle and rediscover a life filled with hope, healing, and genuine connection. We know the weight of sex addiction can be suffocating. It threatens to strip away the love and happiness you once shared. But… 

You can do this — You can reclaim your life and your relationship

You are not defined by your addiction or your compulsions. You have the power to change. To experience the recovery you deserve, you’ll need many things, including support and accountability.

We're here to guide you through the challenges and help you on your journey to recovery. Trust us, there is a brighter future waiting for you – one where freedom from compulsive sex behavior is within reach. 

At Hope & Freedom Counseling Services, we understand the unique struggles couples in crisis face and the deep desire for individual recovery. We’ve successfully helped thousands of couples and individuals navigate the complexities of addiction and rebuild their lives together. Our approach combines the essential components of recovery — accountability, restored trust, and releasing any shame or guilt — giving you a comprehensive path to recovery.

When you commit to overcoming your addiction, you…

Rebuild broken relationships

Regain your self-confidence and self-worth

Develop a new mindset for lasting change

Rediscover joy and
fulfillment in life


I Can Stop: The 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction 

— a proven course that gives you the necessary tools for a solid recovery plan and a vision for freedom from compulsive sexual behavior. 

This comprehensive course provides you with the tools and guidance you need to break free from the grips of addiction and step into the life you want to live.

Let us help you on this transformative journey to recovery. We can guide you as you  create a new story for your life — one free from the hopelessness brought on by addiction. You deserve a life that’s free from the devastating impact of addiction and we’re here to guide you on that journey.   

If you make recovery your priority, diligently give yourself to these activities for the next 30 days, and continue the habits and strategies you learn, you can live free from all problematic sexual behaviors for the rest of your life. 

Invest in your recovery and break the chains of problematic sexual behavior.

Begin Your Path to Lasting Change
Ready to Embrace Recovery and Finally Put Compulsive Sexual Behaviors Behind You, Permanently? 

Enroll Today! I Can Stop: The 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction — The Ultimate Recovery Program that empowers you to break free and heal

What’s Included…

  • 30 comprehensive lessons — which includes 30 videos and 30+ downloadable worksheets.
  • Proven, practical tools to understand how the addiction is working in you and to successfully deal with intrusive thoughts and visual threats.
  • Expert guidance on how to build your successful Personal Recovery Plan.
  • Recovery Points System — our innovative and proven system to help track your growth, stay accountable, and achieve sustainable sobriety.
  • Access to our digital resource library — with dozens of tools to help you stop problematic sexual behavior at your fingertips.

PLUS… A Companion Workbook broken down by lesson to help you track your progress, reflect on your recovery journey, and apply the concepts and strategies learned in the course to your own life.

You can break free from the grip of compulsive sexual behavior. Take the first step towards lasting recovery and a brighter future.

Access the Course for Only $399 and Reclaim Your Future

Enrolling in the I Can Stop: The 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction course means you’re ready to… 

Take charge of your life and make necessary changes

Prioritize your family and understand betrayal trauma

Break free from the grips of unhealthy sexual behaviors 

Learn powerful coping mechanisms and techniques to help you recover

Gain access to expert guidance and resources

Find a way to stop and begin to heal from your compulsive behavior

How I Can Stop: The 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction has helped people recover from addiction, rebuild trust, and find true freedom

Begin Your Path to Lasting Change

Begin Your Path to Lasting Change

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Welcome to Hope and Freedom University — let me tell you how we began…

In late 2012, a deeply discouraged couple came into my office after being told by a different therapist they should walk away and divorce because their marriage was likely irreparable. At the time, they didn't even know the term sex addiction. Candidly, it was a relatively new term for me as well. 

That led me to find Dr. Milton Magness and his practice, Hope and Freedom Counseling Services in Houston, TX. We quickly inquired about the 3-Day Intensive option with a long-term program approach. I offered to walk alongside them and support them in their journey if they were open to making a commitment to the program.

Treating this couple became a defining moment in my practice. In fact, it spawned the treatment of hundreds more in my office and the desire to devote my practice to helping couples like them. 

I go to the darkest places, find a source of hope and light, and guide them on their journey to healing and wholeness. I’ve dedicated my career to bringing restoration to couples ravaged by the effects of sexual addiction and training clinicians to do the same — so we can reach as many as possible!

As soon as I found Hope & Freedom and Milton Magness, I knew this treatment model was different and something that offered real hope and true freedom to couples whose relationships were at risk of complete devastation. 

Over the years, I have used this treatment model and have seen Hundreds of couples not just salvage their relationship — but, in many cases, have healed, restored, and developed a closeness that they weren’t sure was possible.  

You deserve hope and freedom, too — because it’ll bring healing and restoration for you. Perhaps one day, you too will be able to share it with others and experience the gift of introducing it to those in need the way I have. 

Tina Wehner
President & Executive Director
Hope & Freedom Counseling Services
Frequently Asked Questions

Take back your power and
prioritize what matters most to you.

Join the I Can Stop: The 30-Day Solution to Sex Addiction course
now and discover the path to recovery you deserve!
Access the Course for Only $399 and Reclaim Your Future